Women are forcing themselves to adjust to a patri-focal world (a patri-focial world being one which worships left-brain feats, more than it worships men alone). But the most powerful place for a woman to make decisions from is not from her head—it’s from her womb.

This is how women are cut off from their power: by forcing themselves to adjust to a world which does not acknowledge their inherent strengths. The womb is an oracle. The womb is also the carrier of immense amounts of sexual trauma, which cuts us off from the creative juices, from accessing our intuition, our inner guidance and knowing.

Yes, men have this space too (some traditions call it the hara and lower dan tien) and there is a reason why many ancient meditative traditions focus on breathing from this space. For men, it is their core, their centre, their equilibrium. The more they are open and grounded in this space, the better their relationship to the feminine (within and without).

But for women the power is multiplied—it can also create new life, whether it be a child, a creative project, or whatever else she wishes to see manifest into physical form. Whatever energies that a woman carries in her womb she multiplies through her power of creation. If she carries deep trauma there, she will create more of that in the world. If she carries wisdom there, she will create more of that in the world.

Women are creators of the Earth, psychic seers, holders of ancient wisdom, knowers of emptiness and masters of darkness when they are deeply connected to their womb space AND it is a clear channel. For many of us, we hold immense tension in this space because we have been taught to deny this type of wisdom; which manifests in life as a constant feeling of anxiety and insecurity—which all feeds into the matrix agenda to keep women disempowered and competing with each other. Disconnection from the womb space has birthed the Toxic Feminine Template—who, cut off from her true feminine essence, seeks domination and revenge.

The womb, when left unfelt, can carry deep ancestral fears, the energy of old lovers, or the imprint of anyone who crossed your boundaries. When its wisdom goes unacknowledged, it can become as cold and barren as a planet that has not seen life for hundreds of thousands of years. Its suppressed instinctual survival mechanisms tense up the whole body, which then causes women to project fear into the outer world. This deep seed of distrust in her psyche stems from the fact that she does not trust herself.⁣

Taking power back for women does not look like deforming the feminine so that she may fit into a patrifocal world, but dropping into her deepest feminine essence, the unknowable, the inconceivable: the womb, the portal to the infinite and seer of All.