What we are witnessing right now is the biggest trauma-based mind control experiment the world has ever seen. If you can traumatize people and get them disconnected from their body and emotions, you can disconnect them from their true self/essence/infinite creative potential. The only chance they have left to change the timelines right now is to turn humanity into a bunch of soulless out-of-body zombies, or into an animal state where most of the time that human is only guided by primary emotions like fear, hunger, lust, and thirst. When functioning in states like this, humans are much easier to brainwash and control.

The fact that the cabal (or whatever you want to call the occult hostile forces who control the people in power) are attempting such an extreme experiment shows us how desperate they have gotten.

Never let anyone or anything disconnect you from your heart, your emotions, and your spirit, as that is the primary aim of these forces who are hostile to the human spirit and our human family. Remember to take any still moments you find during this time of transition to connect to your true self, as your relationship to God/Source/Emptiness/or whatever you would like to call this stream of infinite consciousness is the most important one of your life. The more we can align with forces larger than our small personality self, the easier we can live our lives in alignment with God’s will. It is God’s will we are seeing being enacted on the world stage right now. It is a type of divine intervention, although, to many, that may not become obvious to them for years to come.

There is a great awakening happening here, and this is a long journey because it is the collective consciousness that must be raised. We may not see the impact of these times for decades to come. In the meantime, our biggest work to do is to align with these larger cosmic forces that are guiding us and ride the wave of these timelines shifting. As we become God-sourced beings, rather than finding refuge in materialism, or the temporarily and constantly changing world, the madness, the illusions, and the chaos, samsara, we can lift others up as well as we help those who are just waking up learn how to ride the wave too.