We have a problem with both the right and the left side of the political spectrum these days.

The extreme side of the right is overly focused on the masculine principle without enough connection to the feminine principle (water/earth).

The left is overly focused on the feminine principle and neglects the masculine principle. Which according to Jung was the spiritual principle.

Matter (earth)=feminine.

The left is actually in what I would call the “toxic feminine”. Some of the traits of the toxic feminine is seeking revenge and using guilt/shame/blame/manipulation to get it.

The right on the extreme side is in its toxic masculine. Ruling through domination. It works AGAINST nature not with it.

I am neither for the patriarchy nor do I believe we should return to a matriarchy either.
Our individuality (masculine principle) and common humanity (feminine principle) should be valued equally.
We are individuals and yet co-creators at the same time.

What I would rather see is more women with knowledge of the dance of their own inner masculine (connection to God) who are also able to live comfortably with the feminine (connection to Earth/human self); united internally in sacred marriage—which means her spirit is merged in her body.

I would also like to see more men with knowledge of their own feminine (connection to Earth mother) and yet acting as spirit (masculine), who are also united internally within in sacred marriage. Like the woman, his spirit is merged into his body and he lives grounded in his humanity and earthly life but acts in service to God.

When a woman like this finds a man like that…this is true power. This is a true divine union when a woman with this sacred marriage within herself finds a man like that.

What this looks like in person are people comfortable with both the masculine and feminine parts of their nature, both sides of their brain firing together. Both ultra creative and also able to think logically, objectively, and critically. They have divinized their being without abandoning their instinctual nature and their connection to the Earth (mother principal).

This inner marriage often makes people who unusually, present, grounded, and soulful. They are also highly emotionally intelligent; which is the maturation of the feminine/earth/human element.

Right now, neither the left nor the right is acting with much emotional intelligence. There is too much emotion or not enough, and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of compassion and empathy going on between the two. There is a shadow dance occurring between them with projection happening on both sides.

The future I see for humans is evolutionary beings, like this, in evolutionary relationships. We may not see this in my lifetime, but I know many relationships like this are rising; including my own.

We need humans who understand and have balanced the masculine and feminine principles within and without.

Yin and yang.

The true divine Masculine and divine feminine has risen into their full potential, empowering, loving, and protecting each other.

Connected to both the divine beings above and the humans, plants and animals below.

Ascending and descending at the same time.

Individually, and as one.