Birthing the New Feminine:
a 10-week Online Transformational Course for Women

Are you a woman looking to heal the relationship you have with the feminine: your mother, your grandmothers, female friends, and truly embrace your divinity as a woman?
Have you had experiences of any kind of abuse (sexual, physical, psychological, emotional) and/or feel uncomfortable with your sexuality and are longing to feel at home in your embodiment?
Have you ever sensed that there was a deeper karmic lesson behind the major events in your life and are ready to explore the core beliefs and soul contracts that may be behind these patterns?
Are you tired of feeling like you have to make yourself small around others, and are longing to express yourself fully and fearlessly, being who you truly are?
Do you feel alone on this journey and wish to be held by a tribe of courageous women who are willing to support you, love you, and embrace you fully?
Have you ever had toxic relationships and are looking to clear your vessel to create more space for conscious love?
Are you drawn to the path of the witch/priestess and are looking for a deeper occult understanding of the traps of agreements and interdimensional influences on the feminine?
If you have answered yes to any of these, then we have created this course especially for you.
In this intensive course Kelsea and Laura, two alchemical coaches, will guide you to meet and transmute the wounded feminine shadow and embody your sacred feminine soul.
Like a virtual mystery school, we will gather through group Zoom calls, engage with psychological and spiritual readings, and offer reflections and practices while we go through this transformational process together in a safe and supported group container. Kelsea and Laura will be your guides throughout this work, providing you with a library of psycho-spiritual material, intending to be your protectors and guardians as we travel into the depths of our bodies and back thousands of lifetimes, in a journey of remembering who you truly are and what your soul’s purpose is.
Our focus will be on fundamental spiritual, psychological, and embodiment practices for healing the traumas that the feminine has experienced through her body, mind, and womb. We will also be discussing the karmic patterns behind the oppression of the feminine and the hidden, esoteric history of the Goddess and other feminine archetypes. As you go deep into your body and uncover ancient karma and soul contracts, you will also discover the core beliefs that you may be carrying that are not supportive of your growth. We will teach you all the practices we have used in our own healing journey’s to help you heal your own body, mind, and spirit as a woman and step into your full potential as a conscious co-creator with the Divine and as stewards of the new earth.
We make sure our healing is multi-dimensional by working with practices that address the individual, ancestral, and collective karmic patterns that make up the events of our lives, combining Western knowledge with Eastern spirituality in an integrative psycho-spiritual approach.
This course will help you to:
- Become embodied as your divine self
- Reclaim your sensuality and sexuality
- Experience nurturing support of a heart-centered sisterhood.
- Release karmic and ancestral baggage
- Prepare for an intimate conscious relationship or deepen an existing one
- Connect to the ancient power of your womb and know how to use it as an oracle
- Develop psychic ability with boundaries and protection.
- Become in tune with your body, nature, and your feminine side again
- Practice self care by allowing yourself to receive the unconditional love and support system that you deserve.
- Discover new creative gifts or deepen existing talents.
- Embody radiance, vitality and creative energy.
- Magnetize your soul’s purpose with ease.

How It Will Work:
- Group Calls and Sharing Circles: We will meet bi-weekly for a live group video call and sharing circle on Saturday at 10:30AM PST. In this, we will check in with each other while Kelsea and Laura cover the course content for the next 2 weeks. This call will contain a lot of information and will be recorded and sent out afterwards for future viewings.
- Learning Material: New modules of the course will be released every 2 weeks on a self-guided learning platform. Each module will contain an assortment of written workbooks, videos, meditations, breath work, womb work, psychological self work, and bonus material. You can work through it at your own pace and go as deep as you want to go with the practices.
- Spiritual Practices: Each module has at least one guided spiritual practice and/or meditation made especially for this program by Laura or Kelsea which will complement the course material. These will be mp3 files that you can use offline in your own time to practice to your heart’s content.
- Psychological Work: We will accompany each module with relevant psychological work related to course material. These will often be self-reflection questions for you to use as inspiration for your inquiry as you go through the material and engage with the meditations.
- Community: Humans tend to create more lasting results when they do healing work in groups because it creates a stable support system which makes us understand the beauty of safe relationships. The private small group of women going through this journey with you will be there for you to share experiences with, and Kelsea and Laura will be present to offer support as well. In order to go deeper with one another, this small group container will contain a maximum of 40 women.
Topics We Will Explore:
- Turning Toxic into Divine Feminine
- The Power of Integrating the Feminine Shadow
- Creating Community and the Importance of Group Processing
- Healing Trauma in the Body and Core Wounds
- Subpersonalities, Parts Work, and Our Many Selves
- Black Magick, Service to Self, and the Path of the Dark Priestess
- Clearing the Womb of Sexual & Spiritual Abuse
- Uniting the Inner Male and Female
- Wound Bonding and Victim Saviour Perpetrator Dynamics
- Exploring Past Life Trauma and Revoking Past Life Agreements
- Transgenerational Trauma and Family Systems
- Ancestral Healing and Rituals
- The Mother Complex and Reparenting Our Inner Child
- Evolutionary Relationships in Service to Others
- Internal and External Boundaries and Psychic Protection
- Reconnecting with Source/God/Divine and Embodying the Divine Mother
- Re-writing Timelines, Earth Magic, and Conscious Reality Co-Creation
Course Outline
Module 1: The Toxic Feminine, The Divine Feminine and the Path to Embodiment
The matrix control system has created a version of the feminine which has created deep trauma within womens relationships to themselves and within the sisterhood, which perpetuates the wounds of separation. In this module, we will explore the feminine shadow and talk about the path of embodiment as a gateway to healing this wound.
In this Module we will explore:
- The Hyperdimensional Matrix and it’s Conditioning of the Feminine
- The Feminine Path to Embodiment Through The Womb
- The Importance of Doing Soul/Shadow Work In Community
- The Individual and Collective Shadow Dance of the Masculine and Feminine, and the Inner Male/Female
- Shadow Work, Working with Triggers, and Exploring Positive/Negative Projections
- Impermanence, Death and Surrendering to the Process of Life
Module 2: Healing Trauma and Our Core Wounds
All trauma is a disconnection from our True Self. These karmic patterns are recorded within our body, which manifests as “core wounds” or “core beliefs”, which keep us replaying these patterns within our lives. As we explore what memories and beliefs are held in the body, we see which core wounds we are carrying, and reprogram our bodies/spirits so that we may resolve these patterns.
In this Module we will explore:
- Trauma, Soul Fragmentation, and Healing Trauma through Somatic Work
- Healing from Sexual Trauma
- Understanding the Soul Contracts behind Unhealthy Dynamics in Relationship: Narcissist/Empath, Predator/ Victim, etc.
- Working with Core Beliefs & Healing our Core Wounds
- Relationships as a Path to Healing our Attachments
- Reparenting the Wounded Inner Child
Module 3: Clearing the Feminine Womb and Healing Ancestral Trauma
In feeling and clearing the emotional pain of the individual and collective feminine traumas that our wombs carry, we create space for our soul’s highest potential to be birthed and embodied—within and without. When we nurture and tend to the garden of our womb, all of our ancestral relations are restored and healed as all the ones that came before us and the ones who will come after us are broken free of this intergenerational karmic pattern.
In this module we will explore:
- Clearing the Womb of Past Relationships / Sexual Experiences
- Sexual Energy, Sex Magick, and the Occult History of the Priestess
- The History of the Priestess and other Feminine Archetypes
- Breaking Free and Healing the Patriarchal Mother Complex
- The Effect Your Birth Imprint has on Your life
- Healing Karmic Patterns in our Lineage and Reclaiming the Wisdom of the Ancestors
Module 4: Energetic Imprints, Traps of Agreement and Psychic Protection
Understanding the metaphysical dimensions of our soul’s energetic template helps us to learn how to cancel out traps of agreements/ soul contracts that we may be carrying from our ancestors, previous partners, and/or past lifetimes. In the process of taking back our sovereign power, we can discover larger soul lessons that call us to shift our souls trajectory and welcome greater discernment on this path of awakening.
In this module we will explore:
- Foreign Implants, Occult Forces, Entity Attachments and Reprogramming Mind Control
- Sub Personalities, Parts Work, and Our Many Selves
- Exploring Our Past Life Contracts and Revoking Traps of Agreements
- Psychic Protection and Internal / External Boundaries
- Creating Sovereign Declarations and Working with Prayer
Module 5: Birthing the New Feminine & Living in Connection with our Divine Nature
Once we have integrated our core wounds, awakened greater consciousness within our feminine gates and re-claimed our sovereignty, we unlock profound levels of creative energy that support our co-creation with the Earth. In awakening the knowledge of our original blueprints, we remember the true wisdom of the Sacred Feminine and become activists and stewards of love, truth and unity.
In this module we will explore
- Re-writing Timelines: Conscious Reality Creation in Alignment with the Divine
- Awakening the Unity Grids of the Divine Feminine: Sisterhood, Matriarchy, and Embodying the Divine Mother
- Earth Based Spirituality: Living in Tune with Nature, Healing with the Elements, and Bringing the Sacred into Everyday Life
- Our Power to Birth and Create Life: Anchoring More Chi/Life Force to Co-Create with Gaia
- The Radiant Path of Self-Love, Loving Kindness and Compassion
- The Order of Natural Law and Living In Integrity
What You Will Receive:
- 6 Bi-Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls with Laura and Kelsea Discussing the Material of Each Module
- Access to Course Training Online for Duration of Course (via an online portal)
- Multiple Learning Videos and Written Workbooks for Each Module
- Psychological Work and Exercises
- Embodiment and Breathwork Practices
- Audio and Video Meditations by Kelsea and Laura.
- Access to Private Facebook Group to Ask Questions, Share Stories, and Process With.
- Extras: Interviews with world-renowned feminine leaders who role model aspects of the Sacred Feminine, Bonus exercises and Meditations, Spontaneous Downloads, and other offerings.
“Woman is the Radiance of God. She is not a creature, she is the creator.” Rumi

Enrollment on this course is limited to 40 participants.
Course Facilitators
Laura Matsue is a holistic life coach as well as a meditation and yoga teacher (RYT). She has also studied Compassionate Inquiry professional program, a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Gabor Maté.
Along with having profound spiritual experiences all her life, she comes from a history of healing from sexual abuse, drug abuse, and trauma and she now specializes in her coaching in teaching others methods that she has discovered heal from these experiences in an embodied way. Through using somatic practices, psychological inner work, yoga kriyas, a wide variety of meditations, compassionate inquiry, and her intuitive gifts she works to assist others through this process of healing the self so that they can bring their gifts to the world. She works with people 1-1 in private coaching as well as hosts courses and retreats with her partner Bernhard Guenther.
Kelsea Shanai’a Rai is a Transformational Catalyst and a compassionate mirror of Embodiment. She helps others regain their Sovereign connection to Source by breaking free from the constructs and complexities of many forms of separation consciousness.
Her life’s journey has initiated her through the extremes of sexual and spiritual abuse which now enables her to support others to release themselves from similar traumatic experiences. With a continued dedication to heal from childhood trauma, drug addiction, sexual manipulation, spiritual narcissism, cult abuse and paranormal activity, she is now inspired to help others integrate their soul’s fractures after experiencing similar phenomena through private coaching, breathwork and intimate group workshops. Her work can be found at
Kelsea and Laura on the Cosmic Matrix Podcast
“Birthing the New Feminine course could not have come at a better time for me. I had spent countless hours in therapy offices and in internet rabbit holes trying to figure out what’s “wrong” with me and how I could become a more “whole and happy person who is connected to the Divine”. I was confused and lost.
Always knowing I had a gaping “mother wound” and lots of childhood and sexual trauma, I sought help in many places—including self-medicating. After 53 years on planet Earth, I came across Laura Matsue and Kelsea Shanai’a Rai’s work, which finally resonated with me.
After listening to podcasts of the two of them my instincts told me that they were two legitimate, powerful, wise women whom had gone through their own traumas, plus filtered through all the “New Age” BS—and came out the other side.
I signed up for the course, without hesitation, and I cannot be more grateful that I did! I’ve spent a lot of money on various self-help courses that either didn’t resonate or underdelivered once they got my payment. This program content was way more than I ever expected and the amount of sincere interaction received through Zoom calls, private Facebook group and our one-on-one sessions were beyond amazing. You can just tell they are sincere about truly helping people! I felt like they could see me, hear me, and offered sound feedback based off their own experience and inner-work.
This journey took me through shadow work, the path of Soul embodiment, Karma stored in the body and how to release through meditation practices. I learned about toxic feminine archetypes who played roles in my life and even in myself. The course also helped me heal sexual trauma I had been carrying around with womb clearing exercises. I was able to break Soul contracts and various traps of agreement that I either consciously or subconsciously created, protection from psychic attacks, core belief work, inner-child work, re-parenting work, and creating self-love. It also helped me realize the unhealthy relationship dynamic that I was playing out with my current partner of 9 years. And as a result, it gave me the strength to end this unhealthy addictive relationship. That brought me to a new place of self-love and freedom to create a new timelines and reality, ultimately, getting closer to my true soul essence and closer with my relationship to the Divine.
As this intense process of dismantling and regrowth occurred, I was fully supported by our group leaders and a beautiful sisterhood of 20 other divine souls. Tears flow in gratitude and joy that I was a part of such an amazing and intensive experience. This has been one of the most significant experiences of my life! I just want everyone to know, it’s never too late to be who you were meant to be and follow your own true Soul path in Life. I’m just beginning mine and feel will always be a work in progress but this course was the perfect launching pad.
I am forever grateful and look forward to the next chapter of my life…..the one that I am writing with divine guidance.”
Lisa C.
“This has been such an amazing healing journey that was totally unexpected and so rewarding for me. I was going through the toughest years of my life and had looked in so many places for guidance but every time these came up short. I realized that even doing the self-work without any guidance and on my own I had hit a wall and needed the right help to move forward. A few months ago, I decided to take a leap of faith into the unknown journey of myself and made some drastic decisions to make this happen when the Birthing of a New Feminine course was announced. I didn’t think twice and decided to sign up as there was something about it that I knew that I needed. This course came, synchronistically, right when I needed to make some radical changes in myself, my life, and heal many wounds related to the feminine. I was scared and anxious to take it because it was the first time in my life I was going to expose myself with women I didn’t know and trust them, which was very hard for me to do due to trauma from childhood and events of high strangeness I had recently gone through. Exploring my self was something I had done, but not to the level of what this course took me into, which at first created resistance in me. I’m glad I kept going and committed to this as the amount of insights I got from exploring my inner world with the course material and Laura’s and Kelsea’s guidance has been monumental to my own healing.
Before starting this course, I felt stuck and suffocated from my own mind loops and fears. I kept going from book to book in search of some answers and even though I acquired a great deal of knowledge, I realized I got more stuck in my own head and kept separating from my own body and self. Having gone through the course with all the beautiful souls who participated and having the opportunity of listening and sharing our stories helped me tremendously to get out of my head-centric state and see all of my own experiences from a different perspective. I had no idea how much we need to share our stories in order to heal and this aspect is one of the most rewarding and highly recommended parts of the course. Having that support system and combining this with all of us working through the course material together was the missing key for me to move forward.
As far the course material, both Laura and Kelsea bring the right combination of what’s psychologically, physically and spiritually necessary to heal our divine feminine. I can now say that this combination is essential for mind, body and spirit to evolve together, and I realized the limitations of just exploring one side like I had done before. Going deeper into my own experience I can say that it was very rewarding for me to be able to release a lot of old beliefs, agreements and heavy stuck energy I had, from this life and past lives, in a way I hadn’t done before, not even with medicine plants. I had the opportunity to explore and heal parts of myself related to past life traumas and also childhood traumas that prevented me to move forward in my own life. I can’t even describe how light I felt after such release, how my body and mind felt much better with all the meditations provided in this course, and which each served their own purpose for me. During the course I started to see the changes in myself both internally and externally. My mind and intuition were clearer, I began to feel a sense of security and empowerment in my own skin like I haven’t felt before, and this allowed me to handle my life exteriorly from a healthy and more conscious way. Now I have no doubt that taking this course was the best decision to kickstart the unknown journey I’m already in. I finally have the right tools to help me move forward with my own two feet through this path.
I’m eternally grateful for having taken this journey with so many brave and beautiful souls, and specially to both Laura and Kelsea for coming together and sharing all their wisdom with us. They both are truly an inspiration for having gone through their own healing path and now sharing their insights and understanding to help others, like me, heal.”
Julie D.
“I want to say thank you for one of the best groups/classes I’ve ever participated in. Your sharing and wisdom have had huge impacts on me and how I am navigating and showing up to life. I know this is a new beginning, there is always work to do but now I can tap into a sense of peace I haven’t felt before. You have brought so many ladies together from varying places (physically and emotionally) and it was so healing for me to hear about others and where they are. Even if it’s not the same issues I am working on, certain aspects applied to me and other times that wasn’t the case at all but the very act of listening and witnessing the other ladies caused a shift in myself. This class coming into my life right now is truly diving timing. There were certain things I needed to release before I could let the seeds that are being planted sprout and grow. I appreciate your unique insight and how responsive, loving and honest you both are with the group. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your work with all of us.”
Angela D.
“Prior to the course I was in a depression that was intensifying month by month, just after my father died. I think that was the darkest time of my life, everything was black, I was weak and almost couldn’t get out of bed. I managed to collect myself and ask for help from Laura. The holistic coaching sessions with Laura helped me a lot, taking me slowly out of the darkest parts of my depression. I also noticed that by doing one of the 40 day meditations that she suggested, I started to pull out all the rest of depression. I finished it the same day we had our first zoom call for the course.
During the length of the course I was feeling really inspired by the whole setup. I was happy and so grateful to be a part of the online community and the fb group. I gave me a feeling of safety and kind of held me and reassured me that I am on the right path, giving me strength and courage to continue my inner work and willing to be brave enough to share some of my feeling with the group. Reading all the difficult, honest and open stories of the women meant a lot to me, to see how are they are coping with the situations raising up in their life as a result of inner work. I was also feeling Laura’s and Kelsey’s precious presence in the group that was guiding us gently. I had a feeling that I’m doing the right thing and that I was inspired to continues and see what will I find emerging for myself. A lot of things changed in my life, not dramatically, but subtly. After years of weakness and depression I was able to, day by day, take more care of myself with the surge of energy that I haven’t experience for 4 years since my chronic illness (that diminished during the course) and depression (on and off) started. That was so encouraging for me. I literary done things in the house, preparing feed, buying food, tiding the house, going for long walks in nature, an even seen some of my good friends that I haven’t seen for ages, that I haven’t done since 2015!”
“Through this course, I have truly experienced the power of women coming together in circle to ignite the wisdom in each other’s hearts. I had been doing intensive shadow work on my own prior to starting this journey with Kelsea and Laura and found that having the support and guidance of women who truly understand this work, as they do, brought a whole new level of clarity, perspective, and community to a process that I now realize is nearly impossible to do alone. The content of the materials was very comprehensive and relevant and I found the delivery to be fluid and accessible. I can honestly say that I feel this has been an integral part of my transformational process and I am so grateful to have been able to connect with other women who are on a similar path.”
Cancellation Policy
If you cannot participate in the course fully, all course material will be available for the duration of the course and can be self-guided at your convenience.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the calls happen?
Calls will take place on Saturdays at 10:30AMPST every two weeks.
If I can’t make the group coaching call, will I have access to it later?
Yes, calls will be sent out within a couple of days of being recorded and posted on the course pages.
What happens after I sign up?
After you sign up, you will have access to a welcome package, a questionaire, and some notes on how to prepare for the course.
I have more questions, how can I reach you?
Please feel welcome to contact us with any questions and we will be happy to help.