Alchemical Marriage of the Inner Male and Female
We have a problem with both the right and the left side of the political spectrum these days. The extreme side of the…
The Pluto in Scorpio Generation and the Astrology of Plutonian People
(Will also relate to many 8th housers, Scorpio/Pluto heavy people as well) The Scorpio generation are masters of the…
The Trauma Installment Program and the Awakening
What we are witnessing right now is the biggest trauma-based mind control experiment the world has ever seen. If you…
Women: The Best Place to Make a Decision From is Your Womb
Women are forcing themselves to adjust to a patri-focal world (a patri-focial world being one which worships left-brain…
The Knots Around Our Hearts
In Buddhism, they believe that there are 8 knots that need to be undone around the heart before we can feel the…