Blog Rules
- The ideas in this blog are an expression of my own experiences. If you do not agree with the content, the wonderful thing is that can choose to close the window and go do something else. It’s that easy. When visiting this blog, you are agreeing to read my own thoughts and experiences and since this is my space to express myself I retain full right to use this as my platform of that self-expression.
- The posts on this blog are also expressions of where I am at the time which is a continuously changing experience. Some posts I made months ago will no longer be relevant to where I am at currently, but I keep them up because I acknowledge that they could still help others who are in that space.
- I am open to you expressing your beliefs and experiences as well, with a few ground rules. One being, if you choose to express your point of view you must articulate it without personally attacking me within your thought. I know this can be hard when a specific post triggers you, but just because you’re triggered or upset does not mean that someone else has to take that on for you. Investigate and attend to your feeling and use it for exploration upon yourself before blaming me. If after attending to your feelings you still feel the desire to express it – do so by articulating your perspective clearly and with respect for my own freedom to hold alternative views, beliefs, actions, and game. Comments left with the intention to attack me personally will not be accepted and people who do not adhere to this boundary will be blocked if necessary.
- Telling me what I should think, do, or trying to “convince” or enforce your opinion upon me is an attempt to violate my own free will and will also be deleted. This is my personal blog where I express my own thoughts as stated in my first point. If you don’t agree with it and have a different perspective, I suggest you also create a space where you can also write and share your thoughts with others.
- No straw men arguments – meaning, misrepresenting what I said so that you can attack that misrepresentation. If you would like clarity on something I wrote, ask before making assumptions.
- I am a growing, learning, evolving human on the quest for truth and greater and deeper levels of self-awareness. I have compassion for my own journey as I have compassion for others. You are allowed to be as you are, as am I. If we approach each other in a human-to-human relationship with full intimacy, we can help each other the most.