You have the instincts of ancestors going back thousands of years inside your veins,
who have lived through many wars, famines, and plagues.
Their instincts have become your instincts as your ancestor’s survival skills live on within you.
You have the strength of thousands of generations
walking behind you
That will get you through this.
(And you WILL get through this.)
But it’s time you truly honoured those instincts.
Because when you sharpen them,
they will be your compass,
When you feel lost,
they will tell you
which direction to go in
And when.
In a split second.
But you must act FAST
Because even a moment later,
Could be too late.
And while your mind will never get enough information to make the right decision…
Nor will all your searching ever lead you to the right answer…
Your instincts know the truth.
That’s how finely tuned they are.
You have the instincts of thousands of ancestors walking behind you,
Telling you exactly
where you need to go.
The grandfathers and grandmothers
Of all the ages
Are guiding you home.
By Laura Matsue